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Social Public Event Center



S.P.E.C. is located at the heart of Zernikecampus across from the Van Doorenveste. The building straddles an important path that is used every day by students and stands prominently in the surrounding.  The design interacts with the existing flow of students movement.


S.P.E.C. Dimentions: 


  • Exposition Space:     132 m2

  • Outside Paviljon:       250 m2

  • Cafe                            30 m2




The concept is a 'Black Box'. The building consists of one story with a clear, simplistic structure. All the elements of the structure are in line with one another, resulting in a flowing movement between inside and outside space.

The 'Black Box' is composed out of a wooden frame construction. Beneath it, it has a translucent glazed band. This makes the building appear as if it's floating in the air. The 'Black Box' is surrounded by perforated cortens turning it into a rustic box.

The window plays an important role, it's the only place where the student can see the environment, as if watching a film.

The use of strong contrast in the building materials creates a dynamic space, which is seen through out the building; black - white, hard - soft, and transparancies - solid 

Student along Path



There are three precedents I used through out the Gimmick.


  • Job Koelewijn: He created a 'Cinema on Wheels' a straight forward simplistic form with the use of strong contrast, white outside and black inside.  He created only one window to capture the essence of daily life projecting it as if it were a movie. 

  • Steven Holl: He created the Saphatistraat Office in Amsterdam, it has a simplistic structure with fragments cut out. The facade material used is perforated metal giving it a rustic look.  

  • Peter Zumthor: He created the Art Gallery in Bregenz, Germany. The floorplan is build in a square shape. In the facade he used different shades of ransparancies. Throughout the building he used strong contrasts in material: concrete and glass to create a dynamic space. The complexity lies in the detail where every thing fits in each other: the ceiling, walls, and facade creating a unison inside and outside.

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